No More Midnight Interruptions


Mena Jyani's home

The tin sheets Mena received from the Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog are strong enough to withstand the South Asian monsoon season, so she sleeps soundly at night.


Mena Jyani lives with her four children in a small house in South Asia. The Lord has shown His enduring love for her in the midst of the hardships she has faced.

Abandoned by Her Husband

Five years ago, Mena’s husband set out to find a better job in another village. A month went by, then two, then three; Mena never heard back from her husband. The mother of four realized she had been abandoned, so, in addition to caring for her children, she began working to provide food for the family. This responsibility weighed heavy on her shoulders, and the years ahead only proved to bring more difficulties and financial hardships.

Left without Sleep

Living in one of the wettest regions of South Asia, Mena couldn’t escape a simple but wearying problem. During the monsoon season, her dilapidated roof leaked so much that Mena would often wake up in the middle of the night with water dripping on her. She would get out of bed and carry her cot to another corner of the tiny house where she would fall back to sleep, hoping to stay dry the rest of the night.

These midnight interruptions became a normal part of Mena’s life. With barely enough income to feed her family, she had no way to pay for the repair of her roof—no way to get a restful night’s sleep. But the Lord—and His Church—knew her need.

Loved by the Lord

The believers in Mena’s Gospel for Asia-supported church have walked alongside her as she has endured these struggles. Mena’s pastor, Deeraj Chettri, told GFA leaders of her need, and they selected her as one of the recipients of tin roof sheets from the Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog. Her new roof keeps the monsoon rains at bay, and Mena now sleeps soundly at night.

“I’m very happy,” Mena said. “Although my own people have forsaken me, my loving Lord and the Church never have. I’m so glad. Now I can sleep in peace.”

Please pray for Mena as she works to provide and care for her children.


This article was originally published by Gospel for Asia. To learn more about Gospel for Asia, click here.

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